

Company founded by Markus Britsch in Keltern (Germany)


At first, priority was given to the production of special parts for diverse machine manufacturers. As a result of numerous ideas and constructions of innovative special-purpose solutions, the company grows continuously.


Relocation of the company to Niefern-Öschelbronn (Germany)


Further expansion of the company necessitates the building of a new factory in Pforzheim (germany). Production department, stock and parts of administration department are relocated to Pforzheim. On 1300 square meters, besides special designs, series production of catalog products is started.


New development of “longlife” barfeed collet which enables secure and stable grip of material in spite of thin wall thickness.


Resulting from the constantly increasing demand for products, additional factory premises are built in Pforzheim. Relocation of production department into the new building. The larger production area allows for the automation of production fields and therefore a considerable increase in productivity.


The consequence of continuous growth and development to the existing corporate structure is carried out in June 2012: a successful DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 certification


Foundation stone ceremony for another extension of factory premises in Pforzheim. From beginning of 2015, 4,000 square meters will be available for production, consulting and commissioning.